Testing Your Code

Make sure you create your own unittests for all the classes, methods, and functions you have created or modified. Place them in the tests/ directory in a subdirectory that matches the relative location of your production code under the pattoo/ directory.

Create Unittest Database

Assuming you already have the pattoo database set up, these steps will copy the contents of the pattoo database to a new pattoo_unittest database so that it can be used by the local unittests.

$ mysqldump -u root -p pattoo > pattoo.sql Enter password: $ mysql -u root -p pattoo_unittest < pattoo.sql Enter password:

Database Setup

The unittests assume that a MySQL / MariaDB testing database has been created with the following parameters:

  • db_hostname: localhost
  • db_username: travis
  • db_password: K2nJ8kFdthEbuwXE
  • db_name: pattoo_unittest

Create a database and grant full privileges to the travis user.

# mysql
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE pattoo_unittest;
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pattoo_unittest.* TO 'travis'@'localhost' identified by 'K2nJ8kFdthEbuwXE';
MariaDB [(none)]> exit;

Setting up Syslog Error Codes

pattoo uses unique error code numbers for syslog messages to make troubleshooting easier. Run the tests/bin/error_code_report.py script before the unittests to make there are no duplicates. The unittests will fail if there are duplicates.

$ tests/bin/error_code_report.py

Pattoo Logging Error Code Summary Report
Starting Code              : 20001
Ending Code                : 20141
Duplicate Codes to Resolve : []
Available Codes            : [20141, 20142, 20143, 20144, 20145]

Everything is OK if there are no Duplicate Codes to Resolve.

Running Tests

The tests/bin/do_all_tests.py script will recursively run all unittests in the tests/ directory.